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Lochaline​ Quartz Sand Ltd​. ​
Lochaline Quartz Sand Ltd. makes two main products: LQS85 Silica Sand and LQS120 Silica Sand. LQS holds a stock of both types of sand in its warehouses in the North of England. However, our sand can be shipped or trucked directly from Lochaline according to customer requirements. Bespoke products are possible.
LQS85 is a high quality silica sand with very low iron content and exceptional whiteness, unique among UK sand sources. The sand is particularly suited for production of top quality flint glass and is valued for a range of other uses where consistent white colour and low iron content are demanded.
Please click here for the data sheet of this product.

Picture by Ally Nudds
LQS120 is very similar to LQS85, but with an iron content which is just a little bit higher. Please click here for the data sheet of this product.
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